Watching a bee flit and pause above enormous, vibrant, red roses or sweetly-scented orange blossoms or tiny purple invitations of rosemary flowers and dive in to enjoy the pollen and nectar, collecting some to share with their hive, fascinates me. Bees must be fascinating for people all around the world.
Only a small insect, a bee, is part of a larger group, engaged in creating one of the sweetest and healthiest foods around the world, too. Everywhere, people enjoy the delicious sweet flavors possible within honey. Every honey captures the essence of the flowers and the nectar that began its creation.
Some bee felt an attraction to the flower used. Some bee spent the time to collect nectar or pollen. Some bees used the pollen for food. Some bees processed the nectar into honey.
Somebody that enjoys the honey - well, that person has lots of bees and lots of work to thank for that deliciously-sweet honey.
If you want to see a wonderful gathering centered on the love of honey and you are lucky enough to be able to come to Fillmore, California, you can enjoy the Honey Harvest Festival on June 22nd and June 23rd this year (2019).
The Honey Harvest Festival is an annual free event celebrating bees and honey this year with the Orchard Bluegrass Band, Dan Torres Piru River Band, a petting zoo, a bee booth exhibit, food vendors, a possible train ride on the Honey Bee Express to Bennett's Honey Farm, and information booths including my booth celebrating Baby Bea's Happy Dance, my recently published kindle book, available on for only $2.99.
At my booth, I will be giving away free coloring book pages from Baby Bea's Happy Dance in addition to crayons.
The first hundred guests to my booth at the Honey Harvest Festival who bring proof of a purchase of Baby Bea's Happy Dance, usually as a printout from Amazon, but other forms would be acceptable too, will receive a free hardback copy of The Loudest Little Lion, published by Albert Whitman and Company.
I hope to see you there!
Here is the link if you want to know more about Fillmore's Honey Harvest Festival:
Baby Bea was old enough
to fly along with her sisters.
"Yippee!" said Baby Bea.